4 month
This is an incredibly interesting
project where analog and
digital meet.
As all of our projects, our client came
to us with just an idea, and we had
to implement everything from design
to IOT device integration
We can't share much about this project for security and privacy reasons.
But this is an incredibly interesting project where analog and digital meet.
As all of our projects, our client came to us with just an idea, an we
had to
implement everything from design to IOT devic integration.
The product
The product is a dashboard
where different levels of
management can see in live the
workers navigating the oil rig.
The product is a dashboard where different levels of management can
see in live the workers navigating the oil rig. Depending on your
clearance level you can see one or multiple rigs, and aggregate data
based on sites and regions. The rigs change configuration on an hourly
basis depending on the current operations.
These operations change all the time and do not follow a strict schedule.
Depending on the rig's configuration we had to update the zones that
are accessible by workers.
Cyber Security are obviously the
number one priority in this project.
So we implemented multiple layers of
security. This means we also had to
set up different levels of networking.
Cyber security are obviously the number one proirity in this project. You can't just have
any device running around an oil rig, or have any system directly connected to the rig's
network. So we implemented multiple layers of security. This means we also had to
set up diferent levels of networking.
Cyber security are obviously the number one proirity in this project. You
can't just have any device running around an oil rig, or have any system
directly connected to the rig's network. So we implemented multiple layers
of security. This means we also had to set up diferent levels of networking.
We also included some offline
solutions in case the platform
got disconnected.
Because some oil rigs are in remote areas the bandwidth is not reliable.
So we also included some offline solutions in case the platform got
The client actually offered to install some cell towers
just for the trial! Crazy...
Physical Security
The physical challenge was also
with the devices, we had to make
sure to
devices that allow
workers to do their job, that is
accurate, but also passes
safety requirements.